
Over the course of five years, The Land Collective have organically grown an active network of students and graduates who are interested in the built environment sector. With a diverse pool of candidates all over the United Kingdom, Europe and abroad, we are well placed to assist you in your early talent attraction efforts.

Here are some of the ways that you can work with us below:

our network by the numbers

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our services

Early Talent Recruitment

With a bright and diverse pool of candidates who are already searching and upskilling on our roster, we can take care of end-to-end recruitment of early talent in your business. We currently focus on interns and graduates.


We offer consultancy services and audits on the topics of: Gen Z recruitment, diverse early talent recruitment and retention, and youth engagement.

Programme Development

Want to start a work experience or internship programme but don't know where to start? Let our team help you! Using our insights from our community, we can support your business in developing and marketing your early talent programmes to bring forward and champion the best talent.

Social Value

We work with employers across the built environment as well as developers to achieve social value by hosting employability programmes, insight days and activities across London and South East.


get in touch

To find out more about how to work with us and receive a copy of our corporate brochure, please fill in out details below.