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CV Workshop Drop-In with RELP

CV Workshop Drop-In with RELP

153 153 people viewed this event.

Companies are ready to hire new talent – and we want you to be ready to be hired!

We are launching our Online Career Drop-In Workshops starting on Wednesday 15th February 6:30pm-7:30pm, in partnership with RELP. This will be aimed at university students, graduates and young professionals, looking to get an edge on the competition.

This first workshop will focus on CVs, delivered by our established RELP speaker and Talent Consultant, Emmanuel Bunsa.

We’ll be covering what the top recruiters look for in CVs, and the importance of each part of your CV. As this is a drop-in event, you can also ask any questions you’d like to the expert! Please have your CV on hand to ask for any specifics!

The workshop will be held online through Zoom, and cameras are optional.

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-02-15 @ 06:30 PM to
2023-02-15 @ 07:30 PM

Registration End Date



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